Stock Update

Stock Update

UPDATE: 21st June

Pre-orders are now available and the stock is still due in the UK around the end of the month. It should be with us a couple of days later and it will then be all hands on deck to dispatch orders ASAP (within a few days).

Please see below for detailed information regarding our current stock situation and the issues with worldwide sea freight.

Thank you for your patience with the stock situation.


James' Signature

James- Founder

IronmasterUK Logo

UPDATE: 24th May

Important Update: Stock Availability and Shipping Delays

Dear IronmasterUK Customers,

We have recently been advised of a stock delay until late June and I would like to take a moment to address the current stock issues and shipping delays that we are experiencing. At IronmasterUK, we value transparency and aim to keep you informed about any factors that might affect your shopping experience with us.

Geopolitical Tensions and Their Impact

The Red Sea has recently become a hotspot for significant shipping disruptions, primarily due to escalating geopolitical tensions. Attacks by Houthi rebels on commercial vessels have severely disrupted one of the world’s most critical maritime routes. The Suez Canal, which usually sees around 15% of global maritime trade volume, has experienced a dramatic decline in traffic.

  • Reduction in Suez Canal Traffic: In the first two months of 2024, the volume of trade passing through the Suez Canal dropped by 50% compared to the previous year.
  • Diversion of Cargo: More than $80 billion in cargo has been diverted around the Cape of Good Hope, significantly increasing travel distances and times.

Increased Shipping Costs

The need to reroute shipping has not only caused delays but has also significantly increased shipping costs. The cost of shipping routes from Asia to Europe has surged nearly five-fold, leading to higher prices for imported goods and contributing to global inflation.

Decreased Capacity and Difficulty in Securing Space

Another significant challenge we are facing is the decreased available capacity on ships and the increased difficulty in securing space for our shipments. The disruption in the Red Sea has caused a backlog of vessels and a congestion in alternative routes, making it harder to find available space on ships.

  • Capacity Constraints: Many shipping companies are experiencing reduced capacity due to the increased demand for rerouted shipping lanes, causing a shortage of available slots for new shipments.
  • Booking Difficulties: Securing space on ships has become increasingly competitive and challenging, with shipping lines prioritizing higher-paying cargo, which adds to the complexity and cost of logistics.
  • Extended Lead Times: The combination of these factors has led to extended lead times for shipping, further delaying the arrival of goods and impacting stock levels.

Challenges and Our Response

The delays have caused some items to be out of stock for a few months, and we share in your frustration over these interruptions. Here’s what we’re doing to address the situation:

  • Enhanced Communication: We are committed to keeping you informed about any further changes or updates regarding stock availability and shipping.
  • Alternative Logistics: We are exploring alternative logistics solutions to expedite delivery times and mitigate further delays.
  • Customer Support: Our customer service team is ready to assist you with any enquiries or support you may need during this period.


Increased Demand and Quality Assurance

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for Ironmaster home gym equipment has surged. Many have realised the benefits of training at home, leading to a sustained high demand for quality equipment. Ironmaster is renowned for its commitment to quality, and we have been working to scale up production to meet this growing demand without compromising on the high standards that you, our customer, expects. Increased production capacity will allow us to restock more regularly and hopefully minimise the affects of any further disruptions to worldwide sea frieght.

We appreciate your understanding and patience during this challenging period. Our priority remains to provide you with the best quality products and service, and we are working tirelessly to resolve these issues as swiftly as possible.

This being said, we have been promised by the frieght forwarder that our stock will arrive late June. We will keep this page updated until the stock arrives.

Please accept my sincere apologies for this frustrating situation.


James' Signature

James- Founder

IronmasterUK Logo

P.S. It doesn’t make up for the delay, however please feel free to download one of our Ironmaster Cookbooks below. Easy to cook, healthy, and tastes great.